The creation process for the featured artworks is a nuanced journey marked by distinct stages, each contributing to the final masterpiece. The artistic exploration phase involves capturing images of various...
The creation process for the featured artworks is a nuanced journey marked by distinct stages, each contributing to the final masterpiece. The artistic exploration phase involves capturing images of various subjects during walks, trips, or meetings, forming the foundation of a vibrant color palette. Complemented by fragments from magazines, these visuals set the stage for the subsequent stages. During the preparatory work, the artist meticulously selects a conductive thread, a pivotal element guiding the cutting phase and determining the dominant color. The artist's workspace becomes a hub of creativity, where numerous cutouts come to life, each following a logic unique to the artist's vision. As the overall design is conceptualized, the meticulous process of detailed collage ensues, requiring the artist to intricately glue together each piece of paper, breathing life into the artwork. The transition from collage to Diasec drawing involves a collaborative effort orchestrated by Debroeck to ensure the final result aligns with her envisioned masterpiece. Utilizing the Diasec gluing system guarantees longevity, preserves color fidelity, and protects the enduring quality of the print over time.