'Blue Lanugo' by Radka breathes new life into silicone pieces initially showcased as dresses at New York and Los Angeles Fashion Weeks. After gracing runways and various media projects, these...
"Blue Lanugo" by Radka breathes new life into silicone pieces initially showcased as dresses at New York and Los Angeles Fashion Weeks. After gracing runways and various media projects, these silicone dresses found a second life as three distinct sculptures, blending fashion and art seamlessly.
Inspired by the vibrant yet man-made nature of New York City, Radka chose silicone for its malleability, allowing her to shape it like a drawing. The material, initially reminiscent of wild nature, takes on a new form through Radka's hands. "Blue Coral" showcases the artist's passion for sculpting with silicone, transforming recycled fashion pieces into a fusion of artistry and creativity.